Last update: November 17, 2023

Order NF34/3 Bauvorlagen

Coverpage booklet

10 designs by George Bielen, G.H. Bolhuis, Gerhart Bruckmann, Norbert Pachner, Wolfgang reinhardt and Edouard Wyttenbach, 92 pages of colour copies in A3 format + 7 black and white prints on coloured paper, all meticulously in Richter’s style including scenery drawings.
Price: € 18,-- for Bauvorlagen and Schnitte together.

Shipping costs (in carton A3 envelope)

  • Netherlands € 6,75
  • other EU countries about € 12,--.
  • free collecting at my home address ( Bussum/Amsterdam region) or at next CVA meeting
Coverpage Schnitte


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